There are several things that can help you to increase the size of your breasts, such as breast enhancement creams, breast implants, and herbal breast enlargement.
According to the experts, the herbs for enlarging the breasts are the best option because they are safe and natural and because their usage doesn’t have any side effects.

Increase your Breast Size

Unlike the breast implants, these herbs do not pose any serious health threats and they are extremely cheap. Here are the best plants and herbs which will make your breasts grow bigger.


This plant has an ability to stimulate the production of prolactin and estrogen. These two hormones are effective in enlarging the breasts.
In order to increase the size of your breasts, you should put some fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water. Leave the water to stay overnight and use this liquid for a breast massage the following morning.

Red Clover

Red clover contains four phytoestrogens, including genistein which has an ability to naturally increase your breast size.
To use this herb, you should make a red clover tea. Add two teaspoons of red clover flowers to a cup of hot water.
Leave the tea to stay for about half an hour and drink it afterwards. You should consume this tea two to three times a day for a few months.

Fennel Seeds

The fennel seeds are a great source of flavonoids which increase your level of estrogen. This hormone promotes the growth of your breast tissue.
The fennel seeds are also recommended for nursing women because they can increase the production of milk. In order to use the fennel seeds, you should heat two teaspoons of these seeds and one tablespoon of cod liver oil in a pan. When the seeds turn red, strain the oil and leave it to cool.
Afterward, you should massage your breasts with this oil for about 10 minutes. You should repeat this process twice a day for up to two months.
Alternatively, you can make a fennel tea by adding a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of hot water. After about ten minutes, you may drink it. You should drink this tea on a daily basis.

Dandelion Root

The dandelion root is effective in regulating the hormones which play a major role in promoting a healthy development of new breast cells and a growth of the tissue.
You can either take 525 mg of dandelion root capsules daily or drink dandelion root tea two times a day. The consumption of dandelion root will provide you with the desired results in only a few months.

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