We all want to have beautiful and healthy hair. There are numerous hair treatments which should make your hair grow faster, stronger as well as there are various treatments against hair loss

But before you spend a small fortune on these treatments, try this homemade recipe which will speed up hair growth. Continue with reading and find out which ingredients you should use:

People usually lose 50 to 100 strands per day which cannot be noticed with the naked eye but if you lose hair all over the body then you should be worried.

1/2 banana,
Egg yolk,
A tablespoon of organic honey,
1/2 glass of beer.

Blend all the ingredients until you get a compound mixture.
You must be careful as the mixture should be homogeneous. It should be creamy so you could use it properly.

How to apply it:
After you have prepared this mixture, apply it on the hair and the scalp especially on the most affected areas. Then put a paper film over the mixture to keep the area warm. In this way the mixture will enter deeply into the skin. Keep the mixture for one to two hours and then wash your hair as you usually do. You should apply this treatment once a week if you want to have positive results.

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