Oregano tea is the leader on the list of powerful and completely natural home remedies . Oregano tea has been known for centuries as a common cure for numerous illnesses. It contains a number of l phytonutrients which include thymol and rosmarinic acid. They are potent antioxidants which regenerate cells in the body.
Oregano is from the mint family. It’s common in Italian dishes as a flavor additive. Its leaves have above forty distinct medicinal compounds, most of which are detoxifiers which give a protection to the cells from free radicals. Oregano has also been known for its antiseptic characteristics, which prevent the development of microorganisms which can harm the body.
Oregano tea may be helpful in the treatment of a sore throat, acute sinusitis or infections, and there is more. One study which appeared in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology explained that the extract from oregano can be beneficial for cancer symptoms. Researchers discovered that the cells of colon cancer stopped growing and were killed by the exposure to the oregano extract. The International Food Journal of Sciences and Nutrition also discovered that the consumption of oregano tea shows amazing detoxifying results and that it may be helpful for reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol too.
No matter if you are ill at the moment ill or you only want to efficiently detoxify your body, oregano tea is the perfect natural dilution.
It is rich in antioxidants, antiseptics and antivirals that are able to boost your immune system and improve your health. You can use it for:
-Colds and coughs
-Strep Throat
-Nasal Congestion
-Swollen glands
-Ear Infections
-Sinus Infections
-Menstrual Pain
–Urinary Problems
-Back pain
-Make Your Own Oregano Tea
The oregano tea can be made from fresh or dried leaves, and it is very easy procedure. You only need a little oregano and some water. Below is how to prepare it in your home!
Fresh Leaf Ingredients
-2 cups of water
-1 1/2 tbsp of fresh oregano leaves
Fresh Leaf Instructions
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil
Finely chop the oregano leaves and place them in two cups
Pour the water over the oregano leaves and into the cups
Let sit for about 5-10 minutes before drinking
Dry Leaf Ingredients
-2 cups of water
-1 tbsp dried oregano
-Dry Leaf Instructions
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil
Divide dried oregano into the 2 cups
Pour the water over the leaves and into the cups

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