If you want to lose some weight and strengthen your whole body, you just need this one exercise. It is called the ‘plank’ and it activates almost all the muscles in your body, they make your core pop, build your shoulders and strengthen your lower back. The best part is that you do not need any equipment.

How to Do a Proper Plank


There are several steps you need to follow in order to do a proper plank:
  1. Get into a pushup position on the floor, bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms.
  2. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders and your body should be forming a straight line from your head to your feet.
  3. Hold the position for as long as you can, starting from 30 seconds until you can make it for 2 minutes or more.
  4. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and bring the muscles in.
  5. Your legs and your back should also be straight all the time.
  6. Do not forget to breathe. Inhale and exhale during the whole exercise.
Make sure you are not making the following mistakes:
  • You need to form a straight line, which means that your butt should not be up forming a triangle, or down so you can injure your back.
  • Also, your head should be facing the floor so you will not strain your neck.
  • Bear in mind that you need to stay in that position for some time so make sure you keep a right body posture.

Which Muscles Are Activated With This Exercise?

The plank helps develop strength in the core, shoulders, arms and glutes. Even though you are not moving or lifting weight, you have to squeeze your abs constantly and hold that position.
It might seem pretty easy, but if you are a beginner, you will not be able to last more than 30 seconds.
As you go and do the exercise ever day, your core will strengthen and you will be able to last more. If you are persistent, you will get a flat belly, toned legs and buttocks, and strong arms.

How to Make Your Plank More Effective?

  • Practice all the time. Do planks several times a day and hold the position for a little longer each time.
  • Body-weight exercises such as pushups and pull-ups will improve your core strength.
  • Deadlifts and squats can also help in holding the position for a longer period of time.
  • If you do not have the strength t do a regular plank yet, you can do a bent-knee plank and hold that for more than 2 minutes.

Plank Variations

As you grow stronger and you notice that you can last longer staying in this position you can do some variations. You can lift one leg in the air and dramatically increase the demand on your core since you will fight the body’s natural urge to rotate.
You can also lift one arm as well. Another variation is also the side plank, where you can turn to the side and hold your plank with one arm to activate your side muscles on the core and your hips.

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