There are many tips for beauty and care but often when we want to look healthy and beauty, we neglect basic habits and practices in personal hygiene. Washing your hair involves some rules.
If you have tried all possible preparations, and nothing helped you, you’re doing something wrong.

Wash your Hair

Oily hair is one of the most common problems in maintaining a neat and groomed hair, and creates difficulties in shaping it.Some common errors are hiding in stressful lifestyles and poor nutrition, and wrongly treated hair.
When you touch your hair you want to be soft. But dandruff and dry scalp can be also a problem.

There are some mistakes during washing your hair

Mistake 1 – less hair washing – wash your hair every time if you think it’s necessary.
Mistake 2 – shampoo your hair every time you take a bath- that’s wrong. Just try to skip everyday shampoo and you will not have dry hair anymore.
You should abstain from daily hair washing. Too frequent washing with shampoo stimulates the secretion of fat.
Greater amount of shampoo doesn’t mean that your hair will be cleaner quite the contrary.
Mistake 3 –  scrub your scalp – If you want to prevent your hair from damage and breakage be more gentle while washing it.
Mistake 4 – washing your hair with hot water- Washing your hair with hot water will only decrease more fat and give you unwanted results like oily hair.
Mistake 5 – use too many types of shampoos – It is important to use a shampoo designed for your type of hair. If you have any problems (oily, dry hair), then it is best to use a gentle baby shampoo.
Baby shampoos doesn’t contain strong chemicals that can harm the scalp or hair like some others shampoos.
Mistake 6 – pouring too many shampoo – It’s well known how much shampoo we should use. But many do not know how much is required. Put a small drop on the hand, about ¼ of full tablespoon, and apply it to the hair.
Mistake 7 – Towel and rubbing your hair – when you finish washing your hair use a towel gently because a wet hair is more fragile than dry.
Mistake 8 – Brushing your hair – don’t brush your hair during washing  to avoid breakage.
Mistake 9– you don’t soak enough you’re hair.
Mistake 10 – shampooing entire head
Mistake 11 – Conditioner is only for hair- do not apply it to the scalp. Gently move the fingers only on the length of hair. For oily hair conditioner is not required.
Rather than use a conditioner, maybe you can try applying cider vinegar mixed with water, let it sit for ten minutes and then wash it.
Mistake 12 – Combing your hair- Be careful choosing the type of hair comb because if you use  unsuitable one most likely you will get damaged hair